
How To Get Rid Of Drain Flies In Bathroom

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If you've been noticing small flies buzzing around the drains in your kitchen or bathroom, you may have a drain fly infestation. Drain flies are a nuisance, and the problem only gets worse if they're not taken care of. Fortunately, there are some simple methods you can use to get rid of the drain flies in your home.

  1. 1

    Identify the problem areas. Examine all the drains in your home and any area inside or outside the home that has standing water. Any area with multiple drain flies is likely a problem.[1]

    • Luckily, drain flies do not stray far from the place they have chosen to make their home, so it is rare for a drain fly infestation to spread to all areas of the house. This is especially true if you catch the problem early.
  2. 2

    Dry all the drain areas before going to bed. This is the first thing you must do to verify that the problem is coming from the drain itself.

    • You might actually be infested by another type of fly drawn in by rotting fruit or other food sources. As a result, you should verify that you actually have drain flies in your drain before taking measures to remove them.


  3. 3

    Place a strip of clear tape over each drain. Stick the tape over the center of each drain with the sticky side facing down.[2]

    • Do not completely cover the drain with tape. A covered drain will prevent flies from flying up, leaving you with no evidence.
  4. 4

    Check the tape in the morning or after a few days. If you spot flies on the tape after removing it from the drain, drain flies are the most likely culprit.

    • Even if you do not find any drain flies on the tape after the first night, you should repeat this process for at least four nights to account for discrepancies in the breeding cycle.


  1. 1

    Clean the hair catcher, if applicable. Remove the hair catcher or filter from an affected shower drain and clean it out thoroughly, removing all the hair tangled inside it.[3]

    • The key in destroying the drain fly's breeding ground is removing all hair, grime, and debris that the flies might lay their eggs in.
  2. 2

    Moisten the drain, if necessary. Pour 1 to 2 gallons (4 to 8 liters) of warm water into the drain to moisten it slightly.

    • Note that this is only needed if the drain is not used on a regular basis. Drains used on a daily basis are moist enough without taking additional measurements.
  3. 3

    Use a metal pipe brush. Work a metal pipe brush into the drain, extending it as far down into the drain as possible.

    • Twist the brush while slowly moving it up and down to remove grime from the sides of the pipe.
  4. 4

    Fish out other grime with a plumbing snake. Insert a plumbing snake into the drain and twist it through the pipes to pull out clumps of grime that lie further down.[4]

  5. 5

    Pour a gel drain cleaner into the drain. Apply roughly 4 oz (125 ml) of the cleaner around the edge of the drain.[5]

    • Applying the cleaner to the edge of the drain allows it to coat the sides of the drain and pipe as it glides down.
    • Gel cleaners are formulated to remove organic matter. You could also use enzyme or bacterial drain cleaners to remove organic material.[6]
    • Vinegar, boiling water, and bleach are traditional remedies for getting rid of drain flies, but many experts insist that these methods are not effective.[7]
    • Baking soda and vinegar poured down the drain may kill the flies; it will clean the drain at least.
    • You may need to repeat the same dosage of drain cleaner once a day for five to seven days total.
  6. 6

    Finish up with a plunger. [8] After the drain cleaner has sat in the sink for several hours, flush it through with plenty of water. Use a plunger to remove any remaining organic matter trapped in the sink.


  1. 1

    Use a fly swatter to kill adult flies. Go to the drain area and squash as many of the drain flies as possible with a standard fly swatter.

    • While destroying the breeding grounds will prevent the flies from laying more eggs, you'll still have to deal with adult drain flies up to 20 days after you clean the drains. As such, you may want to take extra measures to get rid of as many as possible.[9]
  2. 2

    Apply a space spray. If a fly swatter is inefficient, treat the infested area with an insect spray that works in confined spaces.

    • Close all the doors and windows in the space.
    • Spray the insect poison upward for 5 to 8 seconds per 1000 cubic feet (28 cubic meters).
    • Leave the treated area and keep it closed for 15 minutes or more.
    • Open all windows and doors after returning to the area. Run an electric fan, if possible, to help disperse any remaining spray.
    • Reapply as often as once every week.


  1. 1

    Keep the drains clean. You should clean the drains in your house at least once every month, but if you've already had problems with drain flies, you may want to increase this to once every one or two weeks.[10]

    • A thorough cleaning is not necessary. Simply pour 4 oz (125 ml) of gel drain cleaner into the drain and let sit to maintain a continual state of cleanliness.
    • For drains that are rarely used, such as in a garage or basement, pour a little mineral oil down the drain. This will prevent further infestations until water is run down the drain.
  2. 2

    Apply insect growth regulator. Spray an aerosol IGR directly inside the drain and along the drain lines.[11]

    • IGR prevents drain flies from breaking out of the larvae stage. Since flies only breed once they enter the adult stage, this greatly reduces the number of flies breeding, thereby cutting down on future infestations.


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  • Question

    Do drain flies carry any diseases? Can they contaminate food if they land on it?

    Community Answer

    Nope! Drain flies are annoying, but harmless. You have nothing to worry about (unless what you're seeing are not drain flies).

  • Question

    How do I figure out where small flies on my drain board are coming from?

    Community Answer

    It depends. If there is a window near your sink, then close the window. If that doesn't work, take a piece of clear tape and tape it over the drain, sticky side down. In the morning, check the tape. If there are flies on the tape, that is your culprit.

  • Question

    Can drain flies breed in a septic tank and make their way out of bathroom drains? Can they travel through water-filled pipes?

    Community Answer

    The larvae can, but not adults. If you have them, the larvae came up the pipes.

  • Question

    Do drain flies bite people?

    Community Answer

    No, drain flies do not bite people.

  • Question

    How can I get rid of drain flies without removing the toilet?

    Community Answer

    I poured a few cups of bleach in the toilet tank while it was filling up, left it for a few minutes, then flushed it a few times. It worked for me, but I've heard it damages the wax seal. So far it's been okay.

  • Question

    When I have these very small flies with large wings, is it common to not see regular houseflies?

    Community Answer

    These are drain flies; they don't compete with houseflies. You just don't have houseflies.

  • Question

    We think our drain flies are hatching from a large sump pump hole in our basement. We have no exposed drains down there. What do we do?

    Community Answer

    A sump doesn't supply food for the flies. Drain flies would be coming from drains connected to sewers, such as sinks and floor drains. It is highly unlikely that you do not have a floor drain if you have a sump pump.

  • Question

    How do I destroy ants that trail on the cement of a dog kennel?

    Community Answer

    Purchase some diazinon and treat the area surrounding the kennel. You can use the liquid or granules. If there is a concern about the dog getting to it, you can try sweet lime (powdered dolomite limestone) instead; however, this is only a blocking aid as opposed to something that is tracked to the nest and kills them.

  • Question

    Will drain flies infest house plants?

    Community Answer

    Not that I know of, drain flies usually stay close to their nest and usually the nests are in drains and gutters, hence the name. I've never seen them around my plants.

  • Question

    Our home has a grinder pump and sump in the basement. We start seeing sewer flies in July. We can clean our drains, but the sump is for raw sewage, so cannot be cleaned. Any suggestions?

    Community Answer

    Use clear silicone caulking to seal all gaps and joints around the pit and piping. The flies will find any space they can to get out of your sewage pump and piping. This will also help with odor. Make sure it is silicone, though, as silicone will not crack.

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Things You'll Need

  • Clear tape
  • Metal pipe brush
  • Plumbing snake
  • Gel drain cleaner
  • Plunger
  • Fly swatter
  • Space spray
  • Insect growth regulator

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Article SummaryX

The first thing you should do to get rid of drain flies is thoroughly clean the infested drain catcher so it's free of hair and grime. Then, insert a metal pipe brush into the drain and move it up and down while twisting it to clean out the drain. When you're finished, pour a commercial drain cleaner down the drain and let it sit for several hours. Flush the cleaner down the drain with water to finish cleaning the drain. If your pest problem persists, you may need to use an insecticide spray. For tips on locating which drain your drain flies are coming from, scroll down!

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How To Get Rid Of Drain Flies In Bathroom


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